Common Breastfeeding Positions: The Cradle Hold

Common Breastfeeding Positions: The Cradle Hold

There are so many different breast feeding positions and variations one could lose count. Since Undercover Mama is all about nursing, we thought it would be useful to share some of the most common breastfeeding positions. Regardless of the position, remember to bring your baby to your breast not your breast to your baby! We've got to save our backs, right?

When most people picture a mother nursing, the Cradle Hold is most likely the image that comes to mind. The Cradle Hold is one of the most common breastfeeding positions. The main benefit of the Cradle Hold is that it encourages a more relaxed position and frees up your arm. 

How To:

Hold baby in your lap (or on a pillow on your lap) so that baby is lying on his or her side facing you, ""tummy to mummy"". Baby's face should be ""nose to nipple"". Tuck baby's lower arm under your own or around your waist if that is more comfortable. If baby is nursing on the right breast, rest his or her head in the crook of your right arm. Place your forearm under baby's neck and spine, with your hand supporting their bottom or upper thighs.You can support your breast with your other hand if needed.

Who Its Best For:

The Cradle Hold is most likely best for full term babies. While this position is quite common, it actually gives less support to baby's body and is found most effective once baby is a little older or has stronger neck muscles. It is also best for a baby who has no trouble latching.

Women who have delivered via C-section may find this position more difficult as it puts pressure on their sore abdomen.

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