Almost all nursing moms at one point or another need a little bump in their breast milk production. There are so many contributing factors to milk production, it is hard to keep it all straight. Here are a few OBVIOUS, but often NEGLECTED, natural ways to increase your milk supply and keep nursing that baby.
1- STAY HYDRATED- Your body needs fluid to produce milk! Keep water near you as a constant reminder, have a bottle of water easily accessible when you are nursing as well. Remember if you choose to drink caffeine that it acts as a diuretic so you will want to increase your water intake even more!
2- NURSE FREQUENTLY- The more milk you express, the more milk your body will make to keep up with demand. Make sure your baby nurses long enough to empty the breast. You can even try pumping between feedings or marathon pumping to help amp up your production.
3- NUTRITION- A diet rich in vegetables, fruit, protein and whole grains is ideal for all of us. Some of the best foods to help naturally increase milk supply include: spinach, almonds, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, hummus, papaya, asparagus, brown rice, apricots, quinoa, and flax seed.
4- REST- This is easier said than done, especially if you are a working mom or have other children. It is sometimes irritating to get the advice to "sleep when the baby sleeps" as many of us do not have that option. Nevertheless, sneak in sleep wherever and whenever you can. Let the house get a little dirty and go ahead and order take out for the family so you can rest as much as you can. Don't be afraid to ask for help!