Alternative Uses for Breastmilk

Alternative Uses for Breastmilk

Breast milk is the perfect super food! Its more than 100 components nourish infants to keep them healthy and allow them to fight off diseases and infections. These natural antibodies and amazing properties in breastmilk allow for uses not limited to nourishing babies. Here are just a few of the different ways we have found that people have used the healing properties of breastmilk:

1- Pink Eye: Many breastfeeding mothers have found that a few drops of breast milk in the affected eye a few times daily can help cure pink eye. Squirt a little in an eye at the first sign of crusty, sticky, glazed or pinkish.

2- Eliminate Cradle Cap: Massage breastmilk onto baby's head to aid in eliminating cradle cap.

3- Relieve Diaper Rash: Breastmilk can help ease the symptons of diaper rash. Apply breastmilk and allow to air dry.

4- Clear Up Baby Acne: Massage a few drops of breastmilk onto your baby’s face to help treat baby acne.

5- Sooth Eczema Symptoms: Massage a few drops of breastmilk onto affected area(s).

6-  Soothe a Burn- Put a few drops on the affected area to soothe.

7- Open a Stuffy Nose- Using a plastic syringe or bulb syringe, squirt a shot of breast milk into nose.  Suction any excess.

8- Soothe a Sore Throat- Gargle or swish (or just nurse your baby) breastmilk a few times in mouth to relieve a sore throat.

9- Treat a Cut or Scrape- Breastmilk is a natural antiseptic.  Due to the antibodies found in breast milk, specifically IgA, the liquid helps prevent germs and aids in the healing of cuts and scrapes.

*Consult your physician or lactation specialist.  These are suggestions and have not been scientifically proven.

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