Common Breastfeeding Positions: The Football Hold

Common Breastfeeding Positions: The Football Hold

The football hold is the breast feeding position that many mothers find the most comfortable. In this position you tuck baby under your arm just like you would hold a football (on the same side that you're nursing from). The football hold lets you hold your baby's head allowing you to help baby latch.

How To:

If nursing on the right side,

-Hold baby with your right arm with baby's feet at your side. You can also place baby on the nursing pillow for more support.

-Roll baby in towards you in the ""tummy to mummy"" fashion, bringing baby as close as possible. Baby's bottom should be near the crook of your arm. Baby's legs should be tucked under your arm.

-Your forearm should be holding baby's back along the spine while your hand should be cradling baby's head and supporting his or her neck. Lift your baby up to your breast so he is able to take your nipple into his mouth and nurse. Allow your baby to latch-on while pulling him or her in close, ""nose to nipple"". Remember to bring your baby to your breast not your breast to your baby!

Who Its Best For:

This position is ideal for women who have had a C-section and want to avoid touching tender incisions and unwanted pressure.  It also seems to work better for women who have larger breasts, need a better view to ensure baby is latching on, or those women who have inverted nipples. Mothers of twins often find the football hold the best nursing position because it allows them to feed both babies at one time.

Did this position work for you?

Want more breast feeding positions?  Read about the Cradle Hold.

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