How Pregnancy Can Change Your Hair

How Pregnancy Can Change Your Hair

Are hair and pregnancy related? Well, it’s no surprise that pregnancy changes your body…A LOT. From stretch marks to a weakened pelvic floor, to swelling in your hands and feet, and yes, even hair loss, pregnancy can really impact your appearance. We hope you can appreciate your body for growing your newborn and sustaining life for two, but sometimes this transition can cause your confidence and body image to plummet, leading you to feel discouraged. On the other hand, pregnancy can bring you lots of joy and sometimes, luscious locks!

Keep reading to see how your hair can go through many changes during pregnancy and during postpartum. 

During Pregnancy 

During pregnancy, you may be shocked by how amazing your hair is looking. However, let’s not forget that just like pregnancy, your great hair is likely only temporary. But you might as well enjoy the benefits while you can. Here’s what you can expect your hair to look like during pregnancy. 

Fuller, Thicker and Longer Hair

Fuller, thicker, and longer hair? That sounds like a dream. Believe it or not, you could experience this during pregnancy. This is because of the increased hormone levels. Increased estrogen will lead to fuller-looking hair. Additionally, during pregnancy, there is less shedding of hair due to the levels of estrogen preventing your hair to go through its normal natural growth cycle. Your hair will no longer go through its resting stage, where you experience shedding. Because your hair is in the active growth stage more consistently during pregnancy, your hair will start to look fuller, thicker and keep growing. e sure to embrace this temporary perk to pregnancy! 

Greasy or Dry Looking Hair 

    Pregnancy can definitely change your hair for the better, but not everyone is lucky. Some women may experience greasier hair or feel like their hair is drying out. The moisture levels of your hair can change quickly while you are pregnant. Too much moisture and excess sebum production can leave the hair looking greasy. This is because of the inconsistent levels of the androgen hormone. A great way to deal with greasy hair is to do a clarifying shampoo routine once a month. A good quality clarifying shampoo will get rid of the excess build-up of product and grease throughout your hair. 

    On the other side of things, if you are experiencing really dried-out hair you may not be producing as much sebum. If your hair feels stringy or coarse, you can do some leave-in conditioner treatments to help get moisture back into your hair. 


    Postpartum Hair Loss

    Now that you have given birth, you might not be experiencing your fuller, thicker hair. Instead, you can be dealing with the opposite, hair loss. Hair loss can affect women in many ways, most notably making women insecure or lacking confidence. Here are some tips so you can combat hair loss after pregnancy: 

    Hair Loss Treatment 

    Postpartum hair loss is only temporary, but if it persists contact your healthcare provider about possibly starting a spironolactone prescription. A hormonal treatment like spironolactone can help to stop excess shedding. This treatment option actively protects your hair follicles from weakening due to androgens. Be sure to discuss the potential side effects of this treatment and confirm that you are able to use this medication, as you shouldn’t while you are breastfeeding. This is a great and easy option to combat any hair loss after pregnancy you might be experiencing. 

    Diet Changes 

      A healthy diet plays a huge role in how healthy and strong your body is, including your hair. A simple way to combat hair loss after pregnancy is to introduce more vitamins, minerals, and protein into your diet. Eating foods high in nutritional value could help reduce hair loss. If you’re at a loss of where to start when it comes to eating healthy, incorporate foods rich in protein like eggs, yogurt, or poultry. Make some high-protein snacks to take with you when you’re out and about with your newborn. 

      Hair Styling Changes

      If you are struggling with the way your hair looks while dealing with hair loss, try some volumizing hair products. Changing the way you style your hair could help decrease the amount of hair loss you are experiencing. Instead of pulling your hair back tightly in a ponytail, braid, or bun, let your hair down. Massage in a volumizing product and try a half up half down style. Hopefully, you will gain some of your confidence back! 

      Postpartum hair loss can be difficult to deal with, especially if you had consistently good hair days before and during your pregnancy. However, there are many tips and tricks to stop hair loss, so make sure to try some out. Take hair loss into your own hands and gain back the confidence you might have lost. Soon you will have healthy hair once again. 

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